"You can't be afraid of fear. It comes. Surf it." - Jeff Bridges

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Weekly Record (Oct. 16 - Oct. 15, 2011)

By and large, another disappointing week. There were a few “ups,” but I am finding my motivation and spirit lagging. My morale was pretty low. Consequently, I’ve been exploring some solutions to get me past this morass, most notably, meditation. I’ve returned to Joseph Arpaia and Lobsang Ragpay’s Real Meditation in Minutes a Day to help me focus on recommitting to the most important aspects of my life.
No work.
No excuses here. Just a bad day to rollout. I'm finding my weekend sleep-ins to be somewhat counter-intuitive to what I'm trying to do here. I'm going to try to start up the next week with getting up at the same time, regardless of whether I am working-from-home, going to Denver, or on a weekend date.

  • Men's Fitness Yearlong Workout Phase 2, Workout 1 (80 lb barbell; 21 lb. dumbells)
  • 14 pushups, rest for 14 seconds; 13 pushups, rest for 13 seconds; 12 pushups, rest for 12 seconds; etc., through to 1 pushup, rest for 1 second (105 pushups).2 mile "Boys' Training Run"
  • 5.3 mile run (time not recorded)
  • 10 minutes yoga/stretching
A very good day. This is the kind of banner day that I'd like more of my days to turn into. But I think sometimes I'm trying to force to much into one day to make-up for days that I "take off." I don't think that's helpful. I should do better about doing some each day rather than a lot two or three days a week.
  • 20 minutes yoga/stretching, incorporating aspects from the Men's Fitness Prehab Workout (no weights, body resistance only)
No work.
Awful. Absolutely no excuse for taking Wednesday off other than fatigue. Fatigue is not being "relentless."
  • Men's Fitness Yearlong Workout Phase 2, Workout 2 (80 lb barbell; 21 lb. dumbells).
  • 14 pushups, rest for 14 seconds; 13 pushups, rest for 13 seconds; 12 pushups, rest for 12 seconds; etc., through to 1 pushup, rest for 1 second (105 pushups).
  • Boxing routine: 1 minute heavy bag workout & 100 skipropes x 10 reps.
  • 2 mile fun run.
Again, another day where it appears I'm just trying to make up for down days. Have to find a way to strike a balance here.

6.7 mile run in 57 minutes (8:30 miles)
Now we're talking. I've been gradually upping my distance over the past couple of weeks. I can't remember the last time I nearly hit 7 miles...probably in preparation for the BolderBoulder. Now that I'm back to being in excess of 10K, I would like to start adding a half mile to my runs and doing two longer runs (for me, anyway) twice weekly. Must hit 13.1 by March.

Somewhat psyched that my new running shoes came in the mail on this day, too, though too late to run in.
No work.
Ugh. A slave to the old habits. Had too much of a good time on Friday night and paid for it with a bad night's sleep, a stiff neck, and a surly attitude all day today. My wife was kind enough to give a little time to try to balance out and I spent it revisiting Real Meditation (see above). Recommitting to my mental health as a most important aspect of my health starting tomorrow in earnest. I tried a "warmup" session today with terrible results -- I fell asleep. Got to be better about it starting tomorrow. Planning on extended sessions in the morning (hence the need to get up at the same time each day) and five or six rapid recharge sessions throughout the day.
I'll have more details on my meditation progress starting tomorrow.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Dia De Los Muertos - Longmont Museum

It probably comes as no surprise given the name and imagery on the blog, but I'm quite a fan of Mexican folk art, particularly as it pertains to Dia De Los Muertos. There's just something about the Day of the Dead and the Mexican way of marking the occasion in a comic yet tributary manner that's engaging to me. The Great Equalizer as clown. Or showman. Someone who lurks unseen in our daily activities like a Caspar in our back pocket waiting to point at a watch, shrug, and say, "Time's up. Now...if you'll just step right this way, friend."


Annually, in the Fall, our local museum here in Longmont sets aside the main exhibition space to allow for "tribute altars" to be created (or recreated) in the Latin tradition. It is an exhibit that I look forward to every year. Sure, the medium is always the same, yet the message and the altars themselves are as different from year-to-year (indeed altar-to-altar) as the people to whom the tributes are directed. It is a spectacular, moving event and the largest of its kind in Colorado.

The tribute altars this year are of special note. Artists Zarco Guerrero and Laurie Beth Zuckerman have created amazing Latin-themed tributes that transcend nationality and seek to incorporate elements from the prehistory of Latin tradition all the way through to modern times.

There are also altars created by Latin families memorializing their ancestry, altars created by students and children as learning experiences, and one altar in particular that is so moving and and heart-wrenching that words fail to describe it. It must be seen to be appreciated, even if it cannot be fully understood. You will know it when you see it.

I'll mark this personal note this as well: a local Longmont person created a tribute to one of their relatives, actor Richard Basehart. I remember watching him as Admiral Nelson on Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea on TBS reruns. I was knocked out. I don't think I've (recently) been twacked on the head with a reminder of my childhood as I was with that altar. It's funny, too: that show consciously or unconsciously informed a lot of LEGO creations here in the house (flying sub, anyone?). A very well done tribute.

This exhibit is so well-worth seeing, I cannot recommend it highly enough. I hope you will make an effort to get there. Or maybe seek out a similar exhibit closer to home.

Our local exhibit runs through November 6.

Best to you this season!

Weekly Record (Oct. 9 - Oct. 15, 2011)

Trying something new this week: providing a little context around the workouts and runs with an effort to be as honest with and about myself as possible.
  • Men's Fitness Yearlong Workout Phase 2, Workout 1 (80 lb barbell; 21 lb. dumbells)
  • 14 pushups, rest for 14 seconds; 13 pushups, rest for 13 seconds; 12 pushups, rest for 12 seconds; etc., through to 1 pushup, rest for 1 second (105 pushups).2 mile "Boys' Training Run"
NOTES: The Yearlong Workout is the 2010 version, a cycle I’ve completed once before (this is my third yearlong cycle, I did the 2009 one as well). I like it quite a bit inasmuch as I know I’m going to get a balanced workout for core, upper body, lower body, etc.  I know that I’ll get a little variety throughout the month and that I’ll get a change to the workouts every month. I have to have variety on these things or I burn out. I should note that with the pull-ups, I used to start with ten, take a 45 second break, then do another ten, etc., then 8, then 5, etc., until I just started seeing depreciating returns. With this week, I’ve changed it up. I started with five, did a 30 second break, 5, 30 seconds, etc., all the way through to 50. This, I think, was more intense, but at the same time allowed me to concentrate on form.
The pushup routine is going well (another thing I picked up from a fitness magazine). My goal is to add another set every month (I started with 12), but I think I may top-out at 15. We’ll see. Regardless, it is really improving my upper body tone. It is over quickly, but it is hard, hard work.
The  two miler boy’s run is just a quick jaunt out with N8 and another neighborhood lad. Nothing daunting, but worth recording.

  • 14 pushups, rest for 14 seconds; 13 pushups, rest for 13 seconds; 12 pushups, rest for 12 seconds; etc., through to 1 pushup, rest for 1 second (105 pushups).
NOTES: The Prehab Workout I’ve been on for over a month as my off day between "weights workouts." It promised to get me to realign by body and find some muscular balance and it promised to do so in a month. I’m not seeing it or feeling it. In fact, by lower back continues to pain me and I continue to have pain in my left hip flexor and all the way down my left leg. I’m committing to one more week of this and then may turn the page. Or go back to yoga.
  • 14 pushups, rest for 14 seconds; 13 pushups, rest for 13 seconds; 12 pushups, rest for 12 seconds; etc., through to 1 pushup, rest for 1 second (105 pushups).
  • Boxing routine: 1 minute heavy bag workout & 100 skipropes x 10 reps.
NOTES: Ahhh, the boxing routine. Working out with Lumpy (the heavy bag) and Stretch (the jumprope). Something I dread doing until I’m actually doing it. I have to admit that I do picture certain faces on the bag and that helps. After a month or two of sets of ten, I think it’s time to add a couple of minutes to the routine to keep me challenged. I’ll shoot for 12 sets starting next month.

No work.

Listening to the body and the body says an extra half hour of sleep is in order. Already kind of feeling that I've moved on from the Prehab workout.
  • Men's Fitness Yearlong Workout Phase 2, Workout 3 (80 lb barbell; 21 lb. dumbells).
  • Boxing routine: 1 minute heavy bag workout & 100 skipropes x 10 reps.
  • 4.3 mile run (in a disappointing 35:30)
14 pushups, rest for 14 seconds; 13 pushups, rest for 13 seconds; 12 pushups, rest for 12 seconds; etc., through to 1 pushup, rest for 1 second (105 pushups).
NOTES: First run for distance in what seems like forever. And 4 miles isn’t a whole lot. But I am having quite a bit of pain in my right foot that extends from the base of my big toe all the way through my arch to my heel (which I have started referring to as runner’s gout). My guess is a strain/sprain leftover from the Sombrero Trail Run. And my adidas running shoes are wrecked. The outside looks great, but in excess of 200 miles has really smashed the interior. I’d say it’s time to start looking for a new pair, but that time was probably quite a while ago. I hate trying to find running shoes that fit, fit well, aren’t too terribly expensive, and that, well aren’t white. I hate white shoes.
No work.
NOTES: Again, here I decided that I needed a little extra rest and didn’t get up to do anything. Disappointing, since I was looking forward to logging a “perfect week.” Still, rehabbing is key here. I’m not getting any younger.
No work.
NOTES: Yes, a long week and I didn’t have what it took to get out of bed and get after it again on this day. I console myself with the notion that I was a little taxed in every phase of my health this week, particularly my patience and restraint. But, the upside is, typically when I have weeks when I feel like I’ve underperformed, I push to get more done the next week.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Weekly Record (Sept. 25 - Oct. 1, 2011)

  • No Work (Recovery Day)
  • Men's Fitness "Yearlong Workout - Phase 1, Workout 1."
  • 13 pushups, rest for 13 seconds; 12 pushups, rest for 12 seconds; 11 pushups, rest for 11 seconds; etc., through to 1 pushup, rest for 1 second (91 pushups).
  • Boxing routine: 1 minute heavy bag workout &100 skipropes x 10 reps.
  • Men's Fitness "Prehab Workout" - No weights, body resistance only.
  • 13 pushups, rest for 13 seconds; 12 pushups, rest for 12 seconds; 11 pushups, rest for 11 seconds; etc., through to 1 pushup, rest for 1 second (91 pushups).
  • Men's Fitness "Yearlong Workout - Phase 1, Workout 2" (70 lb. barbell; 21 lb. dumbells)
  • 13 pushups, rest for 13 seconds; 12 pushups, rest for 12 seconds; 11 pushups, rest for 11 seconds; etc., through to 1 pushup, rest for 1 second (91 pushups).
  • Boxing routine: 1 minute heavy bag workout &100 skipropes x 10 reps.
  • 3.5 mile road run. 28 minutes; 8:00 miles.
  • Men's Fitness "Yearlong Workout - Phase 1, Workout 3" (70 lb. barbell; 21 lb. dumbells)
  • 13 pushups, rest for 13 seconds; 12 pushups, rest for 12 seconds; 11 pushups, rest for 11 seconds; etc., through to 1 pushup, rest for 1 second (91 pushups).
  • 5 mile road run in 40:00 (8:00 miles)
  • 14 pushups, rest for 14 seconds; 13 pushups, rest for 13 seconds; 12 pushups, rest for 12 seconds; etc., through to 1 pushup, rest for 1 second (105 pushups).
  • Men's Fitness "Prehab Workout" - No weights, body resistance only.